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Young People’s Video Project


Young People's Video Project How would you carry the message that would relate to the “young” alcoholic who has yet to come to A.A.? We want video submissions from A.A. members. WHY? To carry A.A.’s message to young people in high school, college settings, or any setting. Share your experience! Submissions should be 2-3 minutes

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June District 1 Business Meeting at Campus Group

Campus 695 Calvin St Fellowship Hall First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville

The Campus Group will host the June District 1 Business Meeting. Campus Group is located at: 695 Calvin St Fellowship Hall First Presbyterian Church Contacts: Nese N. tel:479-445-9614  Derek V. tel:479-422-8044 Fellowship begins at 9:30 am The business meeting begins at 10 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050290725?pwd=SE04dmhzaWJiSnVDSHI1MFZhTURNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5029 0725 Passcode: District