Springtime Decoration Party March 18th, 2023
Join us after the March 18th District Meeting and help us Decorate Springtime.
Join us after the March 18th District Meeting and help us Decorate Springtime.
Please join us in this fun way to get involved in service for 46th Springtime in the Ozarks, 2023. Download the flyer
Springtime in the Ozarks
Young People's Video Project How would you carry the message that would relate to the “young” alcoholic who has yet to come to A.A.? We want video submissions from A.A. members. WHY? To carry A.A.’s message to young people in high school, college settings, or any setting. Share your experience! Submissions should be 2-3 minutes
The Bentonville Group will host the December District 1 Business Meeting. Our Area 4 Delegate will give a Report Back on the 73rd GSC Fellowship begins at 9:30 am The business meeting begins at 10 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050290725?pwd=SE04dmhzaWJiSnVDSHI1MFZhTURNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5029 0725 Passcode: District Our Area 4 Delegate will give a Report
West Fork's Annual Group Picnic Hamburgs, hotdogs, and cornish hens will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Speaker at 1pm Fred B. from Rogers This is an indoor facility with playground and basketball court. Bring games if you like. Fun for the whole family! Call Chris F 479-312-9560 Chuck D.
The Campus Group will host the June District 1 Business Meeting. Campus Group is located at: 695 Calvin St Fellowship Hall First Presbyterian Church Contacts: Nese N. tel:479-445-9614 Derek V. tel:479-422-8044 Fellowship begins at 9:30 am The business meeting begins at 10 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050290725?pwd=SE04dmhzaWJiSnVDSHI1MFZhTURNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5029 0725 Passcode: District
District 1 Business Meetings The High Nooners Group will host the August District 1 Business Meeting Fellowship begins at 9:30 am The business meeting begins at 10 am At The High Nooners Group 708 Quandt Avenue, Springdale, Arkansas OR JOIN US ONLINE Join ONLINE https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050290725?pwd=SE04dmhzaWJiSnVDSHI1MFZhTURNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5029 0725 Passcode: District
The Coffee Pot Group will host the September District 1 Business Meeting District 1 Business Meetings Fellowship begins at 9:30 am The business meeting begins at 10 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050290725?pwd=SE04dmhzaWJiSnVDSHI1MFZhTURNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5029 0725 Passcode: District
Fall Area Assembly is October 7th and 8th, 2023 This assembly will include the Delegate Report Back to the Area Zoom Meeting ID: 931 0896 7121 Passcode: Box459 Link to Area Assembly ZOOM Reserve your room at Holiday Inn Express & Suites-Russellville, 300 East Harrell Drive, Russellville. Call the Hotel at (479) 219-5152 and mention
Harrison Group Annual Fall Picnic Enjoy delicious food, a 50/50 raffle, a live auction, picnic t-shirts, and quality time in the great outdoors with great company! Featuring a special guest speaker! Have questions? Contact Michael M. at 870-416-7910 or Savannah R. 870-391-9128
Bentonville Group 7th Anniversary Gratitude lunch November 10th LUNCH at 11am Speaker at Noon Join us as we celebrate our 7th anniversary. First United Methodist Church 201 NW 2nd St Downstairs in the auditorium